Today newspaper

today from Koningstad

today is a free daily newspaper published in tabloid format. Today is owned by the publishers of Het Kladblad in Grijzestad and publishes papers in four cities across Brunant and three in Lovia.

today began publishing in Lovia in fall 2014. They publish a Noble City, Newhaven and Sofasi edition from their Vandreck Building offices.

In Brunant

today publishes English-language papers in Koningstad and Carrington and Dutch-language papers in Koningstad, Grijzestad and Brunantstad. Today was created in 2004 by the same publishers as Het Kladblad and is distributed primarily in train and bus stations (transit areas), targeting commuters. today has slowly been increasing in readership and is a fairly popular paper, with a combined readership of 55,000 to 57,000 daily.
