The Nine-Headed Sea Serpent

The Nine-Headed Sea Serpent

Author William Goodwin
Language Flag of Lovia Small English
Publisher Goodread Publishings
Publication date April 1, 2009 in Lovia
Editions one (1st)
Genre fiction > fantasy
Media type print (paperback and hardback)
Pages 511 pp
Rating(s) Five stars small The Lovian News
Preceded by Seven Slayers

The Nine-Headed Sea Serpent is a Lovian fantasy novel by William Goodwin, published April 1, 2009 by Goodread Publishings. The book is the last part of a trilogy centering around a boy named F'ril and his adventures as a dragonslayer. In The Nine-Headed Sea Serpent F'ril travels to the land of Elmtin-Luzur to battle a Hydra.


Enoden and Raesur

The beautiful and passionate Enoden fights off the pushy Prince Raesur.

After defeating the dragon couple Kaurdul and Bangoror, F'ril is famous around the entire world. Popular as he is, the now sixteen year old F'ril is also very lonely. His father, the farmer Rilaugh, has recently died and F'ril has lost all contact with his globe-trotting brother Ang'ril. When the queen of Elmtin-Luzur, a country far to the south, asks F'ril for his help, the young man is happy to offer it to her. Queen Ryn'yera's land is dealing with a mighty threat of her own: the Great Port of Gelm is under constant attack of Nalagedra, a nine-headed sea serpent, making all major trade impossible. She provides F'ril with the Water Wolf, one of the greatest ships the world has ever known and a crew that is worthy of sailing her. Amongst the crew there is Enoden, the beautiful and passionate daughter of Lord Denmos. Though they do not get along at first, the two eventually fall in love. Unfortunately there is also Prince Raesur, the pompous son of Queen Ryn'yera who is also after the hand of Enoden.


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