Author Dave Leskromento
Language Flag of Lovia Small Lovian English
Publisher Old Port Publishers
Editions Monthly Magazine
Genre Reviews Guidebook
Media type Magazine
Rating(s) 5 stars Peace Island Times
4 stars The Lovian News

LoviaReviews is a famous review and suggestion guide that reviews lovian restraunts, books and films. It is the current main competitor to the popular Guide Cinq Etoiles after RealLifes fall due to biased ratings. The magazine is owned and written by businessman and politician Dave Leskromento.


RestrauntStar awarded to La Stragata
  • La Stragata (5 stars) This brilliant restraunt brings you the most amazing food at the most reasonable prices you could think of. The wine is brilliant and the experience I had at this restraunt is by far the best food experience I have ever had. All the food was well cooked and was delivered to my table just 5 minutes after I ordered it. There was nothing wrong about this restraunt and this is certainly the best restraunt in lovia for 2012, therefore I hereby award the La Stragata, the amazing RestrauntStar, the award that goes to the best restraunt of the year out of every restraunt in Lovian national land.

3 stars
  • Fuzion (3 stars) Fuzion is a great restraunt serving amazing eastern asian food. It is much better than it's closest rival Fanting, as fanting terribly replicates bad asian food and all of fanting's food is overcooked. However this wonderful restraunt, Fuzion makes sure all of it's food is cooked correctly and all of it's food is great proper asian food. If you are looking to go to an asian restraunt on a night, choose Fuzion over Fanting if you want to enjoy yourself. You may now be wondering why I have only given it 3 stars because after all the amazing things I have said, this is because asian restraunts are not restraunts you would want to go to every single night in lovia due to american-styled culture.