
Kameron Industries holding corporation

Kameron Metalworks heavy manufacturing - Kameron Agri agricultural products - Kameron Foods food products - Kameron Armaments arms manufacture - Kameron Technologies chemical products - Kameron Bank banking and insurance - Kameron Services retail

Kameron Foods


Name Kameron Foods
Type public limited company
Product Food Products
Origin Lovia
Founded 1964
Owner(s) Kameron Family (51%)
Employees tbs
Profit L$ tbs

Kameron Foods is another manufacturing company within the Kameron Industries corporation. It supplies all Kameron Services stores with foodstuffs and also sends products to other smaller suppliers.



The Mall Factory[]

The factory in The Mall was installed upon the opening of the company in 1964. Due to the placement deep within a city, the factory was built to be highly compact and is recognised for being tall rather than long compared to other factories. The factory is well known amongst Lovian engineers for its use of up to date techniques in reducing nutrient loss as well as fat reduction.

