NMS This site is recognized and protected by the National Monument Service Distinctive Emblem for cultural, physical and natural heritage
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This museum is part of the Capitol Museum Group.
CapitolMuseum Seal
Lovian Royalty Museum
Established August 24, 2008
Location Seal of King's Gardens King's Gardens,
Seal of Noble City Noble City,
Seal of Sylvania Sylvania
Director Department of Culture, Heritage and Education
Visitor figures N/A
Collection a larg collection of items and fotographs, depicting the entire history of the monarchy
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The Museum for the History of Lovian Royalty or just Lovian Royalty Museum has a large collection on the history of the Lovian royals from Arthur I till Dimitri I. The collection can easely be called complete and is residenced in the former Old Royal Palace. The collection is managed by the Department of Culture, Heritage and Education. The museum was founded as a part of the Royal Palace Project and is a member of the Capitol Museum Group.

Kings' Galleries[]

This part of the collection is about the kings and queens of Lovia, the Royal family themselves thus. It is situated in the western wing of the museum.

King Arthur I[]

King Arthur II[]

Queen Lucy I[]

King Lucas I[]

King Arthur III[]

King Arthur III of Lovia loved art. He was a highly educated and very intellectual man, often called 'the eternal student'. Having reigned for over fifty years, many important moments in the history of Lovia (and of the world) took place during this King's reign. His son George Bradly Lashawn, who was the museum's curator from 2003-2006 has dedicated an exhibition to his late father, the king. The king himself was present when it was opened in 2006, despite his old age and frail health at the time. Pictures of the king meeting prominent historical characters such as US president Kennedy, Lyndon Barnes Johnson and British prime minister Winston Churchill are among the many things to be seen in the exhibition, along with paintings of the King and his family, including a rare image of the king with his mother Lucy, the king as a student at a military acadamy and the king holding his first grandchild.

King Dimitri I[]

King Sebastian I[]

Palace Galleries[]

This part of the collection is about the palaces and other buildings of great importance for the Lovian Royalty. It is situated in the eastern wing of the museum.

Old Royal Palace[]

Piece Text
Oldroyalpalace The Old Royal Palace, nicknamed the White Palace, dates from 1874 and was the former official residence of the Lovian monarchs. It is located in King's Gardens, on the same terrain as the other Palaces, and was constructed as the residence for King Arthur I. After the king passed away it officially became the Royal Palace. In 1954 King Lucas I moved the Supreme Court to this palace in Noble City, but this decision was reversed the following year. The palace is richly decorated by famous Lovian artists. Several royal collections of great historical importance are kept at the palace, including the Royal Armoury and its weapons, the world's only complete Stradivarius string quintet, as well as collections of tapestry, porcelain, furniture and other objects of art of great historical importance.
Maquette by the DoCHE

Palati Daidalo[]

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Palati Daidalo The Palati Daidalo - The building of the Palati Daidalo started in 1990 and ended in 2007, when King Dimitri I moved in. Some parts of the palace, such as the Wine Cellar are much older and were possibly built by the first settlers of Lovia. It was the royal palace of Lovia until May 4, 2008. King Dimitri I was crowned here on November 9, 2007, instead of in the Old Royal Palace. It is situated in the King's Gardens, a Noble City neighborhood.
Maquette by the DoCHE
638px-Hallofmirrors The Interior - Palati Daidalo was divideable in three parts: the West Wing, the The Great Hall or Central Hall and the East Wing. The Central Hall was the entree hall, including the reception. The West Wing was the public part of the royal palace. It was used for banquets, public evenements, concerts, audiences, meetings etc. The crowning of King Dimitri I as well took place in the West Wing. The East Wing contained the private quarters of the royal family.
Fotographs by the DoCHE
Crown of Lovia Crowning of Dimitri I - On 20u30, on the 9th of november, King Dimitri I was crowned in the great hall of the Palati Daidalo. The palace forms now his residence and the Old Royal Palace will be rebuild, probably to an historical museum. During the crowning there weren't any media present. King Dimitri prefered a sober and quiet ceremony. King Dimitri was crowned without having a queen, for many royalty-fans a great disappointment. The royal crown will also be relocated to this palace.
The Crown of King Dimitri I
Firefighting The Fire - The night of 3 March 2008, the palace's kitchen caught fire, for still unknown reasons. Firefighters were at the palace almost half an hour after the start of the fire and some rooms were already entirely destroyed. Firefighters were too little in number and the fire didn't stop whatsoever. By 6 AM the firefighters managed to exhaust all fire. The entire palace was destroyed, except for some remainings of the ancient Wine Cellar and small parts of the West Wing. Most of the surrounding garden burnt down as well.
Photographs by the NC Times

Great Royal Palace[]

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Great Royal Palace 1 The Great Royal Palace - This Palace is a Lovian landmark and the most recent Lovian royal palace, that was built shortly after the former palace burned down in May 2008. It was designed by Pierlot McCrooke of the Achtectus architectural bureau. The monarch, King Dimitri I, started residing in the new palace shortly after it was furnished in June 2008. The new design is remarkably smaller than the former royal palace. Other designs proposed by Achtectus were based on several European palaces, but were all declined by HRH, because they were too bombastic or too large.
Maquette by the DoCHE

King Gardens[]

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Mercury The Front Gardens - These gardens surround the Great Royal Palace in King's Gardens, Noble City. There were to be placed statues in these gardens and traveling around the world, searching for the right statues to be placed in the center of the Front Gardens, Lars Washington eventually discovered on February 9, 2008 two magnificant bronze sculptures of Mercury.
Replicas by the DoCHE
Lovia - Palati Daidalo - Maze garden The Maze - The Maze is one of the gardens surrounding the Great Royal Palace in King's Gardens, Noble City. The Maze was officially opened on Wednesday January 16, 2008 in presence of HRH King Dimitri I from Lovia, PM Yuri Medvedev, Sr. Robin V. Ferguson and Sr. Lars Washington. It is a secret of how Lars Washington managed the first picture being taken from the balcony on the second floor in the eastern wing of the Palati Daidalo without HRH becoming suspicious or even alarmed by the unusual behaviour of his butler suddenly disappearing whilst organizing the dressing of the dinner table in the Apollon Salon.
Photographs by Lars Washinton

Royal Art Gallery[]

Piece Text
The Fighting Téméraire The Royal Art Gallery - (now State Art Gallery) is a well-known Lovian museum. It is based in King's Gardens, Noble City and was owned by the Royal family. The State Art Gallery is nationwide known for its large collection of artworks depicting women. The museum's most famous artwork is The Fighting Téméraire, which was privately owned by King Dimitri I. The Magnificence Room is entirely dedicated to this artworks. It is constantly exhibited and it has an entire wall just for itself.
Replica by the DoCHE
Seal of Noble City
Monuments, politics and government of Noble City
Monuments and buildings: Abigail Johnson Theater - Antiquities Museum - Capitol - City Hall - Embankment Federal Penitentiary - Garden's Chapel - King's Landmark - Lovian Museum for Modern Art- Museum of Art - Museum of Transport - National Archives - Nielsen's Lighthouse - Noble City Mall - Nobel University (1, 2) - NC General Hospital - Old Royal Palace - Palati Daidalo - Railway Museum - Royal Art Gallery - Starovlah Institute - Statue of Andreas - Supreme Court House - Sylvania State Capitol - The Soccerfield - Tower Mall - West Wing
Politics and government: Congress - Noble City Government - Noble City Police - Supreme Court - Sylvania Police - Sylvania State Court - Sylvania State Government
Arrow right See also: Geography, nature, neighborhoods, transportation, hotels, restaurants and apartment buildings of Noble City.
Flag of King's Gardens
Royal Standard
Flag of Noble City The Royal Family of Lovia Flag of Noble City
Kings and queens: King Arthur I x Queen Anne - King Arthur II x Queen Amelia - Queen Lucy I x King Joseph - King Lucas I x Queen Elisabeth - King Arthur III - King Dimitri I x Queen Mary Elisabeth - King Sebastian I x Queen Louise
Living princes and princesses: Prince Alexander - Princess Alice - Prince Arthur - Princess Elisabeth - Prince Joseph - Princess Lucy-Anne - Princess Sylvia (wd) - Princess Helena x Anthony Mortensen
Deceased princes and princesses: Prince Noah x Princess Manon - Prince Theodore - Prince Thomas x Princess Sarah
Other articles: Great Royal Palace - Jacobian branch of the royal family - King's Gardens - King's Landmark - Line of succession - Member of the Congress by Right - Old Royal Palace - Palati Daidalo - Robert Noble - Royal Family - Royal Standard - Ruling monarch