Alesh Identity
Name Alesh
Full name Ladislav Alexej Štefánik
Sex Male Male
Born August 12, 1982, Hurbanova
Home Hurbanova
Languages Slovak, Oceana, English

Alesh, which is the Oceanan pseudonym of Ladislav Alexej Štefánik, is a popular Lovian poet, known to be one of the first people to write poems in the language of Oceana. He mostly writes about the Hurbanova region attempting to revive modern Oceana literature, which is almost non-existent at the moment. His work is regarded by some as an attempt to create a political nationalist atmosphere in Hurbanova. Alesh, however, renounced these claims. His dream is to become "a people's poet of Oceana."


His real name is Ladislav Alexej Štefánik, which is a typical Slovak name. The young boy was named after his father Ladislav. His family and friends called him Alexej to distinguish him from his father. Aleš is a nickname derived from Alexej. Unfortunately for Ladislav, the s with háček does not exist in the language of Oceana. That is why he decided to use the English spelling, making it "sh".


"Ked that ewteck" ("When the bird")[]

In "Ked that ewteck", Alesh wants to make clear that the language of the people will disappear if the land would be taken. It is rather unclear what Alesh means by "taken". Some people immediately connected it to nationalism, though Alesh has made clear that this is not the case.

In the poem, Alesh makes reference to the local nature and geography.

Oceana English
Ko thie ewtecks wer fly'n[1] Where the birds were flying
In horeless ful lists In woods full of leaves
Is discumst o'that tyne Is disappearance of the shadow
Couseth by that vod Caused by the water
Oshine vod, velmi prach Our water, such a beauty
Iese like that slinkni It is like the sun
For os un nebo, dach'[2] For us a heaven, dear
More, barg oshine land Sea, save our land
Labe that slinknia's zose Because the sun will be dead
As that vod is taken If the water will be taken
Ked that ewteck sing fous'ne[3] When the bird sings falsely
Is oshine narasha taken Is our language taken

"Thie outlandish" ("The foreigners")[]

This poem is about the ones who have come to build up a fortune, to find gold or other precious metals. There is a lot of desperacy in this poem, until the gold has finally been found and the foreigners return to their country of origin.

Oceana English
Fo that outland, pretsh for hey From abroad, far from here
Throo burkas po more, those came Through storms on sea, they came
Many have eklesatten, findin un zosnul Many have sunk, finding a death
Plakatin hine sa those Crying themselves
Ladatin for un forchoon, diggin nishkenne Searching for a fortune, digging slowly
Til those fell po that wodate zem Until they fell on the wet ground
Slabi as those had konetshen bicommen Weak as they had finally become
As fall that vesha o'that beagas sham Like the tower falls from the biggest castle
All uthorwe ked that slinkni smeatcheth Everything changed drastically when the sun smiled
That ostri von o'success, o'slad sloboda! The sharp smell of success, of sweet freedom!
In that les ful lists, zlate those taketh In the forest full of leaves, gold they took
Po vod back those gang, du prach rodina On water back they went, to beautiful fatherland

References and notes[]

  1. Short for "flyin'".
  2. Short for "dache".
  3. Short for "fousane".

See also[]

  • Oceana literature