
The King's garden. A part of the Danish Gardens.

The Danish Gardens is a public park, consisting of smaller gardens, inspired by different danish regions. The Park is located in Hightech Valley, Sofasi, Clymene.


The Danish Gardens were established by the Danish author, publisher and filmproducer Viggo Hordeum and his wife, the Danish actress Vita Hordeum. In the beginning Viggo and Vita had opened there own garden, at their private residense to the public. But in early 2008, the couple bought some land in the newly created Hightech Village, to establish a park. The park was opened to the public in the summer of 2008.


The park is divided in to smaller sections. Each section shows a different danish gardens. The sections are: Farmer's Garden, Monestary garden, 17th century citystreet, King's Garden, Egeskov Labyrinth, Danish Schoolyard, The Aeroe Garden and the indoor city garden.
